PPP Members Decline Coalition with PML-N During Government Formation DiscussionsPPP Members Decline Coalition with PML-N During Government Formation Discussions

Asserting the Vitality of Strategic Positioning in Provincial Government

The Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) is currently navigating internal rifts over the prospect of forging a coalition with the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) to establish Punjab’s new government. While some party members advocate for such an alliance, others vehemently oppose it. The aftermath of the nationwide general elections on February 8 has sparked intense discussions on government formation, especially within the PPP’s Central Executive Committee (CEC).

In a recent CEC session chaired by PPP leaders Bilawal Bhutto and Asif Ali Zardari, passionate debates unfolded between the two factions. A significant faction, particularly from Punjab, supports the idea of joining the provincial government and securing favorable terms for the PPP to revitalize its presence in the province. However, another group adamantly rejects any collaboration with the PML-N, preferring to remain in the opposition at the federal level to hold the government accountable.

Insiders familiar with the discussions disclosed that some within the CEC emphasized the necessity for the PPP to engage in negotiations independently for participation in the Punjab government, underscoring the importance of strategic positioning for the party’s resurgence. Conversely, dissenting voices advocated for steering clear of any alliance with the PML-N.

During the session, Asif Ali Zardari departed after a brief 20 minutes, leaving Bilawal Bhutto to represent the party’s stance. Bilawal acknowledged PPP’s concerns regarding past election processes in 2013 and 2018 but affirmed acceptance of the recent election results. He noted that not all members had the opportunity to fully express their views and announced that discussions would reconvene the following day. The second round of the PPP Central Executive Committee meeting was scheduled for the afternoon, underlining the importance of these deliberations in shaping the party’s future direction.Top of Form


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