Governor Phil Scott Ventures into Theatrical Debut in “Little Shop of Horrors”

A Unique Role for Gov. Phil Scott

In a surprising turn of events, Governor Phil Scott of Vermont will grace the stage in a role far removed from his usual political endeavors. While many might jest about political arenas being akin to a “Little Shop of Horrors,” this time, Scott’s venture is of a theatrical nature. On Friday, April 5, the Governor will make his debut in the comedic sci-fi rock musical, “Little Shop of Horrors,” at Mount Mansfield Union High School.

The Unveiling of a New Role

Stepping into the spotlight, Governor Scott will portray a “reluctant dental patient,” a character deeply entrenched in the plotline’s antics involving a man-eating plant named Audrey II and a fearsome dentist. This foray into theater marks a significant departure for Scott, as confirmed by his press secretary, Jason Maulucci, and the musical’s director, Candy Padula.

A Beseechment from Students

The decision to cast Governor Scott arose from a heartfelt plea crafted by students of MMU, conveyed through a persuasive video in January. Expressing their desire to extend the production’s reach beyond the school’s confines, the students earnestly implored Scott to partake in the musical. Despite initial hesitation, Scott was swayed by the students’ passion and enthusiasm showcased in their creative appeal.

A Persuasive Pitch

In February, the students reinforced their invitation with a comprehensive video presentation, detailing the intricate sets, props, and storyline of the musical. Principal Mike Weston joined in to emphasize the collective effort and dedication poured into the production. Captivated by the student’s creativity and determination, Governor Scott recognized the significance of his participation in supporting their endeavors.

An Unconventional Role of the Governor

While accustomed to navigating the fast-paced world of politics and even speeding around Thunder Road in Barre, Governor Scott’s venture into the theatrical realm presents a novel challenge. However, according to Padula, his racing background speaks volumes about his courage, assuring a seamless transition into his role on opening night.


Governor Phil Scott’s involvement in “Little Shop of Horrors” exemplifies a delightful intersection of politics and the performing arts. As he takes to the stage, Scott not only embraces a new role but also underscores the importance of fostering creativity and community engagement beyond the traditional realms of governance. His foray into theater serves as a testament to the enduring spirit of collaboration and exploration, inspiring students and spectators alike.


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