A Scottish student is assisting civilians in Gaza by operating an ambulance

Delivering Essential Support Amidst Conflict

Umran Ali Javaid, a master’s student in International Tourism and Event Management, has undertaken a remarkable journey of compassion and aid. Despite the challenges posed by conflict, Umran is determined to deliver vital assistance to those in need, particularly innocent civilians, including children, affected by war-torn regions. His recent endeavor involves the procurement and delivery of an ambulance to Gaza, a mission that embodies the spirit of humanitarianism in times of crisis.

Procurement and Approval: Navigating Bureaucratic Hurdles

In January, Umran Ali Javaid embarked on the mission of acquiring an ambulance, recognizing its crucial role in providing emergency medical aid to conflict-affected areas. Following diligent efforts, he secured the necessary approvals from COGAT in Israel by March, a significant milestone in facilitating the transport of the ambulance to its destination in Gaza.

Equipped for Emergencies: A Lifeline for the Injured and Vulnerable

The ambulance, equipped with specialized medical equipment including a neo-natal ventilator, stands as a beacon of hope for the injured and vulnerable populations, particularly infants and civilians in dire need of medical attention. Umran’s foresight in ensuring the ambulance’s readiness underscores his commitment to addressing the urgent medical needs arising from conflict situations.

A Track Record of Compassion: Past Endeavors in Conflict Zones

Umran Ali Javaid’s dedication to humanitarian causes extends beyond his current undertaking. Having previously delivered 40 second-hand ambulances to various conflict zones, including driving an ambulance to a small hospital in Ukraine in September, Umran’s track record exemplifies his unwavering commitment to alleviating suffering in regions affected by conflict.

Navigating Administrative Challenges: Ensuring Smooth Transit

The journey of the ambulance to Gaza is not without its administrative complexities. Various paperwork, including submissions to COGAT in Israel and coordination with Egyptian authorities, is necessary to facilitate the seamless transit of the ambulance across borders. Umran’s adept navigation of these bureaucratic hurdles demonstrates his meticulous approach to ensuring the timely delivery of essential aid to those in need.

Empowering Humanitarian Efforts: Collaborating with UNRWA

Upon reaching the Rafah border in the coming days, Umran Ali Javaid will hand over the ambulance to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). As the largest humanitarian organization operating within Gaza, UNRWA plays a pivotal role in delivering aid and essential services to Palestinian refugees, further amplifying the impact of Umran’s humanitarian efforts.

Umran Ali Javaid embarked on an arduous journey from Glasgow, traversing through multiple European countries before reaching Italy. He plans to continue his journey, heading towards Greece, Turkey, and ultimately Egypt’s Rafah border, where he aims to deliver the ambulance to its destination within the next few days.

Account from Umran during his journey:

  1. Humanitarian Concerns: Umran expresses profound concern for innocent civilians affected by the ravages of war.
  2. Distinct Features of British Ambulances: British ambulances, including the one Umran is driving, possess distinct markings and sirens, facilitating their identification and evacuation of civilians from danger zones.
  3. Critical Shortages in Medical Facilities: Umran highlights the dire consequences of medical equipment shortages, recounting a journalist’s observation of infant deaths due to a lack of portable ventilators and evacuation resources.
  4. Versatile Medical Support: The ambulance Umran is delivering serves as a high-dependency unit, capable of catering to infants, the elderly, and the injured, showcasing its versatility in addressing diverse medical needs.
  5. Limitations of Aid: Despite the noble intentions, Umran acknowledges the limitations of a single ambulance, emphasizing that it can only provide assistance to a fraction of those in need amidst ongoing conflicts.


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