Student-athletes are experiencing unprecedented graduation rates alongside assured health and well-being benefits, coupled with enhanced academic support.”

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The NCAA has just unveiled “Change,” a fresh 30-second video showcasing significant reforms currently being implemented within the Association. Premiering on Selection Sunday, this advertisement will be aired during the Division I Men’s and Women’s Basketball Championships on various broadcast platforms and in venues.”

Change” illuminates the pivotal initiatives underway within the Association aimed at enhancing the welfare of student-athletes. One of the primary measures involves mandating all Division I institutions to offer guaranteed scholarships, bolstered by comprehensive tutoring assistance and broader access to healthcare services. Furthermore, the NCAA is intensifying its efforts to fortify mental health support services for student-athletes, recognizing the paramount importance of holistic well-being.


The NCAA is forging ahead with the formulation of new bylaws designed to foster favorable outcomes for student-athletes seeking to capitalize on their name, image, and likeness. This proactive stance reflects a commitment to adapt and evolve in tandem with the evolving landscape of collegiate athletics, ensuring equitable opportunities and support systems for all participants.

Starting August 1, the NCAA has enforced heightened support for Division I student-athletes overall well-being, encompassing physical, mental, and academic aspects. Additionally, the adoption of new mental health best practices mandates compliance from all members. These practices address crucial topics such as mental health and its relation to sports betting, social media, and corruption, suicide, and name, image, and likeness concerns.

Starting in August, the NCAA will implement a significant initiative granting student-athletes from all three divisions access to post-eligibility insurance. This insurance is specifically designed to safeguard them against injuries sustained during their participation in collegiate sports. Importantly, this coverage will extend for a period of two years following the conclusion of their college athletic careers, offering vital support as they transition into post-collegiate endeavors.

March Madness Graduation Rates

NCAA student-athletes are achieving record-high graduation rates. This academic excellence is prominently showcased this month, as teams competing in the current year’s Division I Men’s and Women’s Basketball Championships boast an impressive combined four-cohort average graduation success rate of 90%. Notably, women’s teams have achieved an outstanding average of 96%, while men’s teams have attained an average of 84%.

Enhancements in Support for Student-Athletes Underway

The NCAA is currently spearheading a series of initiatives aimed at providing enhanced support for student-athletes, with a particular focus on modernizing Division I practices. Among these initiatives is the development of recommendations geared towards revamping Division I operations, including proposals such as establishing a subdivision tailored for higher-resourced schools and granting members increased flexibility concerning student-athlete educational benefits and Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL) agreements. In a significant move, the NCAA has implemented Division I student-athlete NIL protections, effective August 1st. These protections encompass voluntary registration, disclosure mandates, standardized contracts, and comprehensive educational programs, reflecting the Association’s commitment to safeguarding the interests of student-athletes in the evolving landscape of college.


Furthermore, to mitigate the risks associated with sports betting, the NCAA has forged partnerships with industry experts to offer educational resources combat harassment on social media platforms, and uphold the integrity of competitions.

Notably, the Association recently launched the “Draw the Line. “campaign, signaling a concerted effort to prioritize student-athlete education on the potential ramifications of sports betting.


“Change” advertisement will maintain its presence in rotation over the coming year, airing during broadcasts, NCAA championships, and across

NCAA-owned social media platforms serve as a continuous reminder of the

The association’s ongoing commitment to fostering positive changes within collegiate athletics.


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