China claims that the US veto confirms Israel’s continuous killing in Gaza, but Russia vows to resist.
Once again, the US has blocked a draft UN Security Council (UNSC) resolution on Israel’s conflict in Gaza, provoking strong criticism from allies and adversaries alike.
One day after Washington circulated a resolution backing a temporary truce conditioned on the release of all Israeli prisoners imprisoned in the Palestinian territory, the US vetoed a UNSC resolution asking for a ceasefire in Gaza for the third time on Tuesday. There is strong international support to end the tragic violence that has killed nearly 29,000 Palestinians, as evidenced by the vote in the 15-member council, which was 13-1 with the UK abstaining.

These are the reactions of nations and international leaders.

Russia has declared that it will not back down in the face of the US vetoing a UN Security Council resolution that addressed Israel’s activities in Gaza. China reacted by denouncing the US veto, claiming that it essentially approves of Israel’s continuous military actions in Gaza. The US veto, which is the third time it has prevented the passage of a resolution of this kind, has drawn strong criticism from allies and enemies alike. Tuesday’s vote resulted in a 13-1 majority voting against the US decision, with the UK choosing to abstain. The results of this referendum highlight the widespread agreement that the terrible conflict, which has claimed the lives of over 29,000 Palestinians, should come to an end. The responses to this development from different nations and international leaders are listed below.


According to the Xinhua news agency, China’s UN representative Zhang Jun reportedly voiced “deep disappointment and dissatisfaction” with the US government. According to Zhang, the US veto sends the incorrect message and exacerbates the dangers in Gaza. He made it very apparent that refusing to accept a cease-fire in Gaza would be the same as accepting the status quo of hostilities. According to Xinhua, Zhang emphasized how critical it is to resolve the Gaza conflict to prevent its escalation and any potential ripple effects that would destabilize the entire area.


” The US veto, according to Russia’s UN ambassador Vasily Nebenzia, is a concerning development that signifies yet another tragic chapter in the Security Council’s history. In order to enable Israel to carry out what he called its cruel plan for Gaza—forcibly evicting Palestinians from the area and thus “cleansing” the enclave—he accused the US of using delaying tactics. Nebenzia stressed that Russia is unwavering and won’t back down, even in the face of the vote’s disappointment.


Citing the terrible situation in Gaza, French Ambassador to the UN Nicolas de Riviere voiced displeasure over the UNSC’s failure to enact a ceasefire resolution. France, which backed the resolution, insisted on its commitment to obtaining the release of all prisoners and called for the prompt implementation of a ceasefire in spite of this setback.
The envoy from Algeria criticized the UNSC’s decision and issued a dire warning, stating that it might have far-reaching effects on the Middle East as a whole. He urged the international community to support an instant ceasefire in response to the urgent appeals to put an end to the violence against Palestinians. He asked all parties involved to reevaluate their policies and actions, stressing the potential implications of making poor decisions and drawing attention to the growing prospect of increased violence and instability.


The Palestinian organization Hamas views the US action to obstruct Algeria’s proposed resolution as advancing the goals of the Israeli occupation. President Joe Biden and his administration are allegedly personally responsible for the resolution for a ceasefire in Gaza’s derailment, according to Hamas. They contend that the American position essentially permits the Israeli occupation to carry out its destructive policies, which injure innocent Palestinians, such as bombings and famine-inducing conditions.

Palestinian Authority

The office of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas denounced the US veto, claiming it disobeys international law and gives Israel more justification to carry out its aggressive measures against the Gazan people, including a brutal attack on Rafah. The US administration is accused by the Palestinian presidency of complicity in war crimes, ethnic cleansing, and genocide carried out by Israeli forces, as well as of supporting and shielding Israel’s violent attacks on women, children, and the elderly in Gaza.
Alya Ahmed Saif Al Thani, Qatar’s UN ambassador, apologized that the UN Security Council did not approve the resolution that Algeria had written and promised to keep supporting efforts to obtain a truce in Gaza.

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Ministry conveyed its “regret” over the veto and underlined how urgently the Security Council needs to be reformed. They emphasized how crucial it is that the Security Council carry out its duties in preserving peace and security in a credible manner and without using discriminatory tactics, particularly in view of the present situation.


The Norwegian delegation to the UN conveyed its dismay that a resolution calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire could not be approved by the council. They emphasized the necessity of acting quickly to put an end to the suffering and the urgent need to end the current catastrophe in Gaza.

Amnesty International

The human rights organization’s director, Agnes Callamard, chastised Washington for choosing “the opposite path” at the UN Security Council rather than seizing the chance to defend Palestinian civilians. She underlined again that the US opted for a different course of action when given the opportunity to intervene in the interests of averting grave threats of genocide, maintaining international law and universality, and stopping mass murder and suffering.Top of Form


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