What are allergies? How do they develop? Can you develop allergic reactions to just about anything? Do allergies ever get better? How often do you need to see a doctor for an allergy? Read more and find out!

Allergic symptoms range from mild discomfort (such as sneezing) to severe irritation of the airway, skin, or mucous membranes that causes itching (hives), a runny nose, blocked eyes, swelling of the lips, tongue, or throat, breathing difficulty, coughing, and chest tightness or wheezing. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the most common allergens are peanuts, eggs, fish, tree nuts, grass, dust mites, certain plants (including apples, peaches, strawberries, avocados, raspberries, carrots, cabbage, and garlic), some foods, insect venom, and mold spores.

Allergens have several in common. They must go through three different pathways: the oral (taste) pathway, which causes reactions in the mouth; the nasal (nose) pathway, which occurs at the back part of the skull; and the dermal (skin) (allergy-causing) pathway, which takes place in the skin of the eyes, inside and outside the eyelids. If a toxin (or another kind of allergen), such as smoke, food, chemicals, or even pets and pet hair, enters the body during these three processes, it can trigger severe reactions. This process is called mast cell degranulation. An example of this is if someone comes into contact with paint chips or other debris and their immune system does not recognize them as dangerous because they were eaten by dogs earlier in the day!

What should I know? Although everyone reacts differently to environmental factors, here are some examples of what other people might respond to:

* Some folks react negatively to colds or even hot flashes. When they do, they may feel a dry or flaky feeling on their face. Others will experience a watery or irritated rash. Most individuals who complain about allergies may also experience itchy, scaly, red, or swollen skin. However, those who live close to trees (especially pine needles) or have hay fever (an immune reaction that attacks the sinuses or airway) may become very sensitive to grass. Sensitivity to pollen grains varies by individual. A few people who are sensitized to pollen grains may have trouble blowing hay from one’s lawns or gardens. Such sensitivities may lead to problems in allergy prevention.

* There are two kinds of allergies to cats: immunoglobulin E (IgE) mediated and non-IgE mediated. In both cases, these allergies can also be triggered by stress. The latter causes the release of histamine, proteins that break down cells. So if a person has had recent exposure to cats and feels hives, this could be an indication that something in the environment is causing the reaction you’re experiencing. The next time you’re around your cat, look closely for signs of illness such as high rates of scratching, drooling, purring, changes in behavior, lethargy, and more. Some medications, such as antibiotics, may also stimulate the production of histamines for these reasons. It is important to note that both types of cat allergies are relatively rare, which means they occur infrequently in the population. Many people with allergies also experience no problem, but others will have itchy and red skin. These are known as seasonal allergies.

* While there is really nothing as frightening as having eczema, it is well-known that those who suffer from it tend to develop food allergies. Eczema usually involves tiny pimples in the areas where the moisture normally drains through. Food allergies include chocolate allergies and celery allergies (although this does not necessarily mean celery-allergic people have celery allergies). With regard to celery allergies, it is worth noting that, unlike wheat, celery cannot be cooked (at least not by someone who doesn’t know how to use it)! Therefore, most people with celery allergies experience symptoms after eating celery-containing foods. If you suspect your digestive system is making you sick, take a moment to consider whether celery-containing items are the culprits! Also, remember that celery is actually delicious when stewed, diced, or cooked as a root vegetable!

* One interesting fact about bees is that they can actually eat a type of plant-based food! Bees are notorious for pollinating flowers in order to produce honey, although many people think that “honey” is simply a sweet liquid produced by bees. However, it is possible to consume actual bee products like nectar, pollen, wax, and stigmas through direct consumption. Bee pollen contains substances called lipids that mimic cholesterol, and these have been associated with both allergies and asthma. Therefore, while we do not directly get bees’ pollen through the stomach wall, our saliva catches things that way, so if you are curious about the pollen in honey, try chewing on a slice or two!

* Bats are commonly thought of as herbivores, but research suggests otherwise. Studies show that bats do eat vegetables. However, studies suggest that they can sometimes eat fruits when they have been presented with seeds, especially those that have a hardcover. As a result, fruit flies (also known as house flies) are used to study the effect of pollen on humans. House flies are quite successful in conducting experiments in the lab, producing data that could eventually help us understand human health! By using bat fruit flies, researchers are able to test a variety of dietary interventions, including supplements containing vitamins, minerals, amino acids, probiotics, and prebiotic fibers. Unfortunately, one group of bat scientists has started testing for a new diet containing yeast as a substitute for animal protein. Yeast has already been found to successfully replace meat protein in mice, with results showing significantly lower mortality rates and improved performance. Therefore, with further exploration by the public, there is potential for incorporating yeasts as a natural alternative source of protein and nutrients!

We also all know about viruses. Viral diseases are far less common than bacteria but more prevalent than parasites. In the United States alone, millions of Americans have been infected by at least eight different kinds of viral diseases, such as chickenpox, herpes simplex virus, rotavirus, hepatitis A, and HIV/AIDS. Furthermore, infectious diseases are still extremely widespread among animals. For example, approximately 3 percent of domestic dogs and 14 percent of domestic cats get flea bites. The risk of getting certain bacterial infections, such as anthrax, is five times greater than for other organisms. To put it simply, any disease can infect anyone and spread quickly enough to affect your entire family! Thus, every year, the CDC recommends that adults make sure they are protected against bacteria by taking measures such as washing their hands frequently and covering their mouths frequently. Just keep an eye out for ticks. Any disease can be transmitted so easily from animal to human. It is always best not to leave the animal matter in open spaces or contact with the skin! Always wash all clothes or items with hot water and soap. Keep hand towels or moistened clothes near your bed so you can throw them away before going to sleep. And always keep extra tissue paper and tissues within reach. Be sure to store disinfectant wipes and napkins easily in the glove compartment as well. Remember to wear gloves when handling dead animals and to wash your hands after handling pet food, playing with children, or working with chemicals.

* Staph infections are caused by gram-positive Staphylococcus species. According to medical professionals, the commonest form of infection is impetigo, which includes small reddish bumps that appear on exposed skin or in places where food enters the body. Other forms of infection include boils and cellulitis. Infections related to bacteria tend to have low chances on the whole of spreading and therefore are generally not contagious. But a good rule of thumb is this: If you have a cut or blisters, avoid touching the wound for at least 48 hours! Washing, moisturizing, and applying antiseptic cream might speed up healing. Finally, if you suspect you have an infection, don’t hesitate to seek emergency care from healthcare professionals!

* It happens when too much sun makes its way to the surface of the earth. At first glance, humans appear healthy, although we know that the darker pigment in melanin gives us that tanned glow. Nevertheless, sunlight can actually impair normal metabolism and cause premature aging of the skin, wrinkling as well as inflammation of the respiratory tract, kidneys, and liver. Sunburns are a common, minor skin condition that appears as erythematous skin spots or blisters. Depending on the circumstances, they can last between 10 minutes and an hour. Darker skin tones can suffer more damage. During this period, you may experience nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, chills, aching muscles, sore throat, tender lymph nodes, joint pain and stiffness, fever, chills, rapid heartbeat and sweating, burning sensation or itching, or dizziness.

Are allergies real? No, they are not real. You will not die from a mosquito bite, and neither can someone else you know die from being bitten by a cockroach. Being allergic is essentially a chemical reaction in the brain or nervous system. Even though it has been scientifically proven that allergic reactions are only physically based (i.e., due to physical stimuli like pollen grains and mold spores), there is no convincing evidence yet of why someone would want to be allergic to just about anything.


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